今天是2007的最後一天.時間過得可真快. 又老了一歲, 應該set 新的goal.可又想不出來. 現在是lunch time 而我一個人在office寫我的blog. 想要寫些東西,可寫不出來.
真的是寫得亂七八糟的2007 的最後一天. 我想到我的goal了, 我肥了2kg, 我要在一個月內間減掉它. 美美麗麗得迎接華人新年.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007

我得到了intel的offer, 知道自己被錄取了, 很高興因為intel是名廠嘛. 我也很喜歡intel的工作. 本來, 我已經接受了intel的offer, 準備要丟信了. 後來, intel hiring manager 打電話跟我說,這份工是要到Kulim intel 而不是 檳城intel. 從乒槟城到Kulim需要1小時, 每天來回就要2個小時.
考慮了1天,終於跟intel 說不. 跟intel說不過後,心情掉到谷底, 很不舍得. 舍不得這份工更舍不得30%的加薪.
本來想要專心做工,但intel hiring manager 還sms 我叫我再reconsider. 我還是選擇了motorola.
說點開心的事.我的妹妹Jeen 要瑤瑤上來槟城玩, 明天就可以見到瑤瑤了,真開心.
Merry Christmas... Happy New Year 2008
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
其實一直想帶嘉晨到太平的動物園看動物.只是一直沒有機會去, 直到9月29日連續3天假期才有機會帶嘉晨到太平一遊.
Book 了Legend Inn 後, 星期天早上10 點便出發了. 到了太平, 已經11.30 am 了. 太平果然是雨城,一到太平就下雨了. 沒辦法,只好呆在hotel, 午餐也在hotel解決了.然後還睡午覺. 睡醒後,雨也停了. 我們便往動物園出發了, 路經太平湖,可沒下車.我們打算明早才來太平湖走走.

Book 了Legend Inn 後, 星期天早上10 點便出發了. 到了太平, 已經11.30 am 了. 太平果然是雨城,一到太平就下雨了. 沒辦法,只好呆在hotel, 午餐也在hotel解決了.然後還睡午覺. 睡醒後,雨也停了. 我們便往動物園出發了, 路經太平湖,可沒下車.我們打算明早才來太平湖走走.
動物園的路門費是一人5元,便宜. 動物園的工作人員問我們要坐車遊動物園還是走路.我問他動物園有多大,他說2km, 要用2地個鐘頭才走得完.現在已經是5點了,我們應該在7點前走不完,便建議我們坐車. 我,嘉晨爸和我媽3個人的車費總共是9元.
其實走路比較好因為喜歡幾時停就停, 也可以慢慢享受其過程.坐車有點走馬看花的感覺.
不過,嘉晨也非常高興,看到他認識的動物就會叫它們的名字,笑得合不攏嘴.回到了槟成,他還會記得他到過動物園, 還跟我說他看到elephant, liao, hipo 等.
其實走路比較好因為喜歡幾時停就停, 也可以慢慢享受其過程.坐車有點走馬看花的感覺.
不過,嘉晨也非常高興,看到他認識的動物就會叫它們的名字,笑得合不攏嘴.回到了槟成,他還會記得他到過動物園, 還跟我說他看到elephant, liao, hipo 等.
逛完了動物園,當然是醫肚子的時候了, 嘉晨爸在down area 找不到小販中心,只要隨便吃了.我們到一間kopitam吃bah ku tet , 3人份, 吃了RM20. 過後, 我們還到funfair 玩, 又用了RM20.
隔天, 又下起雨來,沒機會到太平湖走一走,總覺得美中不足.我們在小販中心叫了咖哩面,nasi lemak 還有出明的Poh Pian. Poh Pian 還好吃. Nasi lemak 和咖哩面就不好吃. 打包Poh Pian 後, 又到新開張的Tesco 走,就打道回府了.
隔天, 又下起雨來,沒機會到太平湖走一走,總覺得美中不足.我們在小販中心叫了咖哩面,nasi lemak 還有出明的Poh Pian. Poh Pian 還好吃. Nasi lemak 和咖哩面就不好吃. 打包Poh Pian 後, 又到新開張的Tesco 走,就打道回府了.
Monday, September 24, 2007
9月7日, 我的部門在Sg.Petani的CintaSayang Resort 舉辦了teambuilding.
這就是我的team,拿著旗的女子才28歲已經是經理了. 另外一個老外就是我的顧問.
早上的活動是relax的活動, 我們學打golf, archery, paintball 和看馬. 這也是第一次有機會打golf, 玩archery和 paintball. 一切都好只是天氣太熱了,把我晒焦了.

吃了午餐,真正的遊戲開始了.來到water theme park 肯定是要下水了. 可是老天爺不作美,下起傾盆大雨. 沒辦法,leader說不管大太陽或下大雨都要下水,所以大家都變成落湯雞. 我想大家都是第一次在暴風雨中玩遊戲.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
家人的無情令我覺得很冷, 冷得我已經無法招架了.
冷血. 嘉晨發燒,我也生病再加上老闆不斷在追我的schedule. 你們就不懂嗎 ?
哈哈!!! 我無情…我是無情… 我會活得更無情.. 冷血
眼淚也流過了.. 我想我不應該把我的眼淚浪費在無情人身上.
家人的無情令我覺得很冷, 冷得我已經無法招架了.
冷血. 嘉晨發燒,我也生病再加上老闆不斷在追我的schedule. 你們就不懂嗎 ?
哈哈!!! 我無情…我是無情… 我會活得更無情.. 冷血
眼淚也流過了.. 我想我不應該把我的眼淚浪費在無情人身上.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
星期一晚上我突然牙痛,真的是痛得我站也不是坐也不是,一整晚只能趴在床上. 這是我第二次牙痛. 我記得我第一次牙痛是在我唸小學的時候,已經好幾十年沒牙痛了.想不到無端端又會牙痛. 我吃了止痛藥也沒用.只好拿手帕包了幾塊冰塊,撫在臉頰. 這方法真的有用,冰塊把神經線都冰得麻痺了,沒有感覺. 可是一把冰塊拿開, 牙痛又回來了.晚上就靠著冰塊睡著了,可也會痛醒. 人把痛分成十等級.生孩子的痛是第一等也是最痛而牙痛是第二痛.我不懂生孩子幾痛因為我是開刀把嘉晨生下來,可我一滴眼淚也沒流. 這次的牙痛卻痛得我眼淚直流.
隔天,拿了假去看牙醫,牙醫幫我放了藥和給我止痛藥,RM65.回到家, 牙痛沒有完全消失.痛一下,停一下. 我還要痛到明天晚上,牙醫才幫我檢查看可不可以拔牙. 我好怕拔牙,可牙痛真的很….很痛.拔牙可是我惟一的選擇.
隔天,拿了假去看牙醫,牙醫幫我放了藥和給我止痛藥,RM65.回到家, 牙痛沒有完全消失.痛一下,停一下. 我還要痛到明天晚上,牙醫才幫我檢查看可不可以拔牙. 我好怕拔牙,可牙痛真的很….很痛.拔牙可是我惟一的選擇.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
一個月沒有blog了,趁lunch time 便趕快上來update一下.新的部門真的非常忙碌也非常的壓力.跟我以前tester的工真是天壤之別. 而我的位子也不是風水位因老闆就坐在我前面. 所以不方便在office blog 了. 我要找lunch time 的時間來blog. 我希望我可以每個星期update 我的blog….
Friday, June 15, 2007
下個星期,我就轉部門了.從tester變developer. Yes, aunty 要寫 walkie-talkie firmware. 我挣扎了很久,最後決定豁出去了.在一天裡面,我見了2位Senior Manager 和四位Manager跟他們說我要換部門.最後, 他們終於點頭. Official transfer date 就是18號,也就是下個星期一.
我的新Manager在上個星期就迫不及待送了一大堆document要我在這個星期看完.而且這個星期就assign task給我了. 我的新Manager講起英文真是流利到我怕,好像”ang mo kao” 在講英文.我之前的老闆都說華語.
老闆說我們常常要跟Plantation的人conference call所以要常stay back. 嘉晨,媽媽以後不能準時5.30下班陪你了.
Plantation是那里? 我可是第一次聽過,我以為是Malaysia 的甚麼種植園.原本Plantation是在美國,是一個地方名. 我還要跟”ang mo kao” 講話.
Hehe!!!Aunty likes challenge but I hope this challenge wouldn’t kill aunty. If there is no update from my blog means aunty already drown in picking up those complicated programming stuffs.
我的新Manager在上個星期就迫不及待送了一大堆document要我在這個星期看完.而且這個星期就assign task給我了. 我的新Manager講起英文真是流利到我怕,好像”ang mo kao” 在講英文.我之前的老闆都說華語.
老闆說我們常常要跟Plantation的人conference call所以要常stay back. 嘉晨,媽媽以後不能準時5.30下班陪你了.
Plantation是那里? 我可是第一次聽過,我以為是Malaysia 的甚麼種植園.原本Plantation是在美國,是一個地方名. 我還要跟”ang mo kao” 講話.
Hehe!!!Aunty likes challenge but I hope this challenge wouldn’t kill aunty. If there is no update from my blog means aunty already drown in picking up those complicated programming stuffs.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
不要去school !
看了Cutie Princess Mummy ‘s 的Sleeping Beauty at School 故事. 想不到姐姐的情況有一點和嘉晨一樣.只是姐姐已經找到她不要去school的原因而我還找不到原因.真傷腦筋.
最近,嘉晨也開始鬧不要去school,每天一睡醒就跟我說不要去school. 我每天早上都要跟嘉晨大戰才能夠成功把他送去nursery. 一開始,我就慢慢騙,耐心地晎他.
剛開始,嘉晨也會被我騙到. 可日子久了,嘉晨就不吃這套了. 我只好用硬的方法,罵和打,再不能的話就是硬硬抱他去nursery. 這時,你就會看到一個穿著”莫多都拉” uniform 和披頭散發的潑婦一面抱著小孩一面破口大罵. 而小男孩就大哭大喊, 他的哭聲響徹雲霄.不要懷疑,那個潑婦就是我.
Cutie Princess 的姐姐有老師幫忙找原因可我nursery的老師卻說小孩是這樣的,過一,兩個星期就沒事了,他們就會習慣了. 也沒幫我找原因.
我懷疑可能是嘉晨不會聽英文,不懂老師講甚麼. 可以前嘉晨很喜歡去nursery,每天都高高興興地去nursery. 所以我逼我自己在家一定要用我有限的英文跟嘉晨溝通.不要讓他害怕英文.
又或者是他的老師是印度人.每此嘉晨不聽話,我就會用”Ah Bu Nai Nai” 印度人來嚇他, 所以嘉晨對”Ah Bu Nai Nai”是有恐懼感.
我也有問嘉晨在nursery 是不是有人期欺負或罵他.他也說沒有.
這些都是我的猜測.我還不知道嘉晨不要去school的原因. 每天早上,我都祈禱嘉晨能高高興興地去nursery而不是淚汪汪地去nursery.
最近,嘉晨也開始鬧不要去school,每天一睡醒就跟我說不要去school. 我每天早上都要跟嘉晨大戰才能夠成功把他送去nursery. 一開始,我就慢慢騙,耐心地晎他.
剛開始,嘉晨也會被我騙到. 可日子久了,嘉晨就不吃這套了. 我只好用硬的方法,罵和打,再不能的話就是硬硬抱他去nursery. 這時,你就會看到一個穿著”莫多都拉” uniform 和披頭散發的潑婦一面抱著小孩一面破口大罵. 而小男孩就大哭大喊, 他的哭聲響徹雲霄.不要懷疑,那個潑婦就是我.
Cutie Princess 的姐姐有老師幫忙找原因可我nursery的老師卻說小孩是這樣的,過一,兩個星期就沒事了,他們就會習慣了. 也沒幫我找原因.
我懷疑可能是嘉晨不會聽英文,不懂老師講甚麼. 可以前嘉晨很喜歡去nursery,每天都高高興興地去nursery. 所以我逼我自己在家一定要用我有限的英文跟嘉晨溝通.不要讓他害怕英文.
又或者是他的老師是印度人.每此嘉晨不聽話,我就會用”Ah Bu Nai Nai” 印度人來嚇他, 所以嘉晨對”Ah Bu Nai Nai”是有恐懼感.
我也有問嘉晨在nursery 是不是有人期欺負或罵他.他也說沒有.
這些都是我的猜測.我還不知道嘉晨不要去school的原因. 每天早上,我都祈禱嘉晨能高高興興地去nursery而不是淚汪汪地去nursery.
Friday, June 08, 2007
我在怀着嘉晨時,朋友就拿了一本怎樣幫孩子取名字的書.我研究了幾個月還是放棄了.這本書真的很難明白. 我朋友說不如叫森林吧!因為嘉晨在猴年出生,猴要多多木才好.他說Uncle Lim 幾好. Uncle Lim 的名有很多木.我罵他神經病.
我就選了自己喜歡的字再拼起來.我只記得我很喜歡家這個字,所以我就選了家,第三個字我忘了我選甚麼字,好像是恩和棟.可嘉晨爸不喜歡. 嘉晨爸在幫ㄦ子取名這件事根本就不落力.
到了嘉晨出生,嘉晨爸才請人幫嘉晨取名. 這個人是專門幫小孩取名和幫人選良辰吉日. 他在檳城很著名.他說嘉晨命里只缺火.金,木,水和土都有了, 所以就給我幾個選擇:家晨,家耀,家昇,家輝等.我和嘉晨的爸一看都喜歡家晨因為它代表家裡的陽光,只要有嘉晨在就有陽光.
我希望香港有個李嘉誠,檳城也會出個徐嘉晨. 哈哈!
我在怀着嘉晨時,朋友就拿了一本怎樣幫孩子取名字的書.我研究了幾個月還是放棄了.這本書真的很難明白. 我朋友說不如叫森林吧!因為嘉晨在猴年出生,猴要多多木才好.他說Uncle Lim 幾好. Uncle Lim 的名有很多木.我罵他神經病.
我就選了自己喜歡的字再拼起來.我只記得我很喜歡家這個字,所以我就選了家,第三個字我忘了我選甚麼字,好像是恩和棟.可嘉晨爸不喜歡. 嘉晨爸在幫ㄦ子取名這件事根本就不落力.
到了嘉晨出生,嘉晨爸才請人幫嘉晨取名. 這個人是專門幫小孩取名和幫人選良辰吉日. 他在檳城很著名.他說嘉晨命里只缺火.金,木,水和土都有了, 所以就給我幾個選擇:家晨,家耀,家昇,家輝等.我和嘉晨的爸一看都喜歡家晨因為它代表家裡的陽光,只要有嘉晨在就有陽光.
我希望香港有個李嘉誠,檳城也會出個徐嘉晨. 哈哈!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
我忘了我從那裡看到這句名言.但我決定能體會其中的道理.當你以為你找到了一生可以依靠和相信的人,高高興興披著嫁衣出嫁. 從此能和愛的人白頭偕老. 可婚姻可不是一加一那麼簡單的數學題. 女人一嫁人,就要負起照顧老公, 孩子 還有一頭家的責任. 現在的女人還要負起養家責任. 所以我說女人難做. 如果老公好的話, 那麼一切的付出都是值得. 如果老公不好的話,一切的苦和眼淚只能往自己的肚子吞因為老公可是自己選,你總不能回家或和朋友訴苦吧!更不幸的話,如果老公有了外遇的話,怎麼辦? 一只眼開一只眼關嗎? 還是離婚?
如果 一只眼開一只眼關, 自己能過了自己這關嗎?如果男人一次又一次犯了同樣的錯誤,還要繼續忍嗎?這樣的婚姻還要來干甚麼.
所以我說選老公的話,一定要選有責任感,愛護家人,尊敬老人家和疼愛小孩的男人.愛固然也重要但我不相信愛能夠天長地久.時間久了,愛也變淡了. 男人就用他的責任感來愛護他的家庭.
如果 一只眼開一只眼關, 自己能過了自己這關嗎?如果男人一次又一次犯了同樣的錯誤,還要繼續忍嗎?這樣的婚姻還要來干甚麼.
所以我說選老公的話,一定要選有責任感,愛護家人,尊敬老人家和疼愛小孩的男人.愛固然也重要但我不相信愛能夠天長地久.時間久了,愛也變淡了. 男人就用他的責任感來愛護他的家庭.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
兩歲的生日,嘉晨認識了狗也喜歡上狗,嘉晨把狗叫’wu wu’,所以我就買了卡通狗的蛋糕給他慶祝兩歲生日.
我相信大家也猜到了,’car car’ 是他的最愛,所以我就買了卡通車蛋糕給他.嘉晨非常喜歡car car 蛋糕.他一看到car car 蛋糕就迫不及待地伸手要拿蛋糕上的卡通車.我當然不給他動先,要點蠟燭和唱生日歌才能動他的可愛car car 蛋糕.
兩歲的生日,嘉晨認識了狗也喜歡上狗,嘉晨把狗叫’wu wu’,所以我就買了卡通狗的蛋糕給他慶祝兩歲生日.
我相信大家也猜到了,’car car’ 是他的最愛,所以我就買了卡通車蛋糕給他.嘉晨非常喜歡car car 蛋糕.他一看到car car 蛋糕就迫不及待地伸手要拿蛋糕上的卡通車.我當然不給他動先,要點蠟燭和唱生日歌才能動他的可愛car car 蛋糕.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
很久沒有update blog 了因為嘉晨和我都病倒了.
上兩個星期五, 我記得才跟嘉晨慶祝三歲生日,隔天晚上嘉晨就發燒病倒了.而且嘉晨還一直小便.我和嘉晨的爸就擔心嘉晨會不會得到尿道炎.
隔天早上,我便帶嘉晨看醫生.唉!真的給我和嘉晨的爸猜中了, 嘉晨真的得到尿道炎.我對尿道炎這個病還很新,所以便問了醫生幾個問題
醫: 你的孩子是不是幾天大一次便?
我: 是.
醫: 對了,你孩子幾天才大一次便,所以他的糞便都堆在肝門,細菌就從他的肝門糞便跑到尿道,尿道就受到感染而得到尿道炎.
我: 尿道炎這個病嚴重嗎? 會發燒?會有甚麼後遺症嗎?
什麼是尿道感染 ?
當小孩有尿道炎的時候必須進一步的檢查,此外,婦女一年有兩次以上的尿道炎也需要進一步的檢查,男性有尿道發炎的情形也必須進一步的檢查。深層的尿道檢查包括 X光月以及超音波,以找尋尿道是否有異常。
下列病人會比較容易得到尿道感染 :一、女性。二、年紀大的老年人。三、糖尿病病人。四、有尿道結石或是攝護腺肥大的病人。五、病人需要使用等尿管。上述病人比較容易得到尿道發炎的機會,尤其是女性,女性因為尿道口比較短,較男性容易得到尿道炎,女性在停經後尿道炎的發生率會上升,因為婦女在停經後賀爾蒙的愛化,使得尿道口減少了保護的能力,較容易發生尿道炎,此外,懷孕的婦女也比較容易得到尿道炎。
為什麼婦女會容易重覆發生尿道炎 ?
很多婦女會重覆的發生尿道炎,最主要的原因是由於細菌在尿道中殘留,細菌會在尿道的上皮上一直殘留而重覆發生尿道炎,這時候必須耐心的給予三個月以上的治療,才能把尿道內的細菌得以完全清除。如何避免發生 尿道炎一、喝水。二、減少瞥尿。三、房事後進行沐浴。四、使用淋浴。
男性為何得到尿道炎 ? 男性得到尿道炎最常的原因是,攝護腺的肥大、攝護腺炎或是尿道有任何的阻塞,都會容易造成男性的尿道炎,所以男性發生尿道炎必須要進一步的檢查。
How does the urinary tract become infected?
Normal urine contains no bacteria (germs). Bacteria may, at times, get into the urinary tract and the urine from the skin around the rectum and genitals by traveling up the urethra into the bladder. When this happens, the bacteria can infect and inflame the bladder and cause swelling and pain in the lower abdomen and side. This bladder infection is called cystitis. If the bacteria travel up through the ureters to the kidneys, a kidney infection can develop. The infection is usually accompanied by pain and fever. Kidney infections are much more serious than bladder infections.
In some children a urinary tract infection may be a sign of an abnormal urinary tract that may be prone to repeated problems. (See What abnormalities lead to urinary problems?) For this reason, when a child has a urinary infection, additional tests are often recommended. (See What tests may be needed after the infection is gone?)
In other cases, children develop urinary tract infections because they are prone to such infections, just as other children are prone to getting coughs, colds, or ear infections. Or a child may happen to be infected by a type of bacteria with a special ability to cause urinary tract infections. Children who frequently delay a trip to the bathroom are more likely to develop UTIs. Regular urination helps keep the urinary tract sterile by flushing away bacteria. Holding in urine allows bacteria to grow. Keeping the sphincter muscle tight for a long time also makes it more difficult to relax that muscle when it is time to urinate. As a result, the child’s bladder may not empty completely. This dysfunctional voiding can set the stage for a urinary infection.
What are the signs of urinary tract infection?
A urinary tract infection causes irritation of the lining of the bladder, urethra, ureters, and kidneys, just like the inside of the nose or the throat becomes irritated with a cold. If your child is an infant or only a few years old, the signs of a urinary tract infection may not be clear, since children that young cannot tell you exactly how they feel. Your child may have a high fever, be irritable, or not eat.
On the other hand, sometimes a child may have only a low-grade fever, experience nausea and vomiting, or just not seem healthy. The diaper urine may have an unusual smell. If your child has a high temperature and appears sick for more than a day without signs of a runny nose or other obvious cause for discomfort, he or she may need to be checked for a bladder infection.
An older child with bladder irritation may complain of pain in the abdomen and pelvic area. Your child may urinate often. If the kidney is infected, your child may complain of pain under the side of the rib cage, called the flank, or low back pain. Crying or complaining that it hurts to urinate and producing only a few drops of urine at a time are other signs of urinary tract infection. Your child may have difficulty controlling the urine and may leak urine into clothing or bedsheets. The urine may smell unusual or look cloudy or red.
How do you find out whether your child has a urinary tract infection?
Only by consulting a health care provider can you find out for certain whether your child has a urinary tract infection. Some of your child's urine will be collected and examined. The way urine is collected depends on your child’s age. If the child is not yet toilet trained, the health care provider may place a plastic collection bag over your child's genital area. It will be sealed to the skin with an adhesive strip. An older child may be asked to urinate into a container. The sample needs to come as directly into the container as possible to avoid picking up bacteria from the skin or rectal area. A doctor or nurse may need to pass a small tube into the urethra. Urine will drain directly from the bladder into a clean container through this tube, called a catheter. Sometimes the best way to get the urine is by placing a needle directly into the bladder through the skin of the lower abdomen. Getting urine through the tube or needle will ensure that the urine collected is pure. Some of the urine will be examined under a microscope. If an infection is present, bacteria and sometimes pus will be found in the urine. If the bacteria from the sample are hard to see, the health care provider may place the sample in a tube or dish with a substance that encourages any bacteria present to grow. Once the germs have multiplied, they can then be identified and tested to see which medications will provide the most effective treatment. The process of growing bacteria in the laboratory is known as performing a culture and often takes a day or more to complete.The reliability of the culture depends on how long the urine stands before the culture is started. If you collect your child's urine at home, refrigerate it as soon as it is collected and carry the container to the health care provider or lab in a plastic bag filled with ice.
How are urinary tract infections treated?
Urinary tract infections are treated with bacteria-fighting drugs called antibiotics. While a urine sample is being examined, the health care provider may begin treatment with a drug that treats the bacteria most likely to be causing the infection. Once culture results are known, the health care provider may decide to switch your child to another antibiotic.
The way the antibiotic is given and the number of days that it must be taken depend in part on the type of infection and how severe it is. When a child is sick or not able to drink fluids, the antibiotic may need to be put directly into the bloodstream through a vein in the arm or hand. Otherwise, the medicine (liquid or pills) may be given by mouth or by shots. The medicine is given for at least 3 to 5 days and possibly for as long as several weeks. The daily treatment schedule recommended depends on the specific drug prescribed: The schedule may call for a single dose each day or up to four doses each day. In some cases, your child will need to take the medicine until further tests are finished.
After a few doses of the antibiotic, your child may appear much better, but often several days may pass before all symptoms are gone. In any case, your child should take the medicine for as long as the doctor recommends. Do not stop medications because the symptoms have gone away. Infections may return, and germs can resist future treatment if the drug is stopped too soon.
Children should drink fluids when they wish. Make sure your child drinks what he or she needs, but do not force your child to drink large amounts of fluid. The health care provider needs to know if the child is not interested in drinking.
What tests may be needed after the infection is gone?
Once the infection has cleared, additional tests may be recommended to check for abnormalities in the urinary tract. Repeated infections in abnormal urinary tracts may cause kidney damage. The kinds of tests ordered will depend on your child and the type of urinary infection. Because no single test can tell everything about the urinary tract that might be important, more than one of the following tests may be needed:
Kidney and bladder ultrasound. An ultrasound test examines the kidney and bladder using sound waves. This test shows shadows of the kidney and bladder that may point out certain abnormalities. However, this test cannot reveal all important urinary abnormalities. It also cannot measure how well a kidney works.
Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG). This test examines the urethra and bladder while the bladder fills and empties. A liquid that can be seen on x rays is placed into the bladder through a catheter. The bladder is filled until the child urinates. This test can reveal abnormalities of the inside of the urethra and bladder. The test can also determine whether the flow of urine is normal when the bladder empties.
Intravenous pyelogram. This test examines the whole urinary tract. A liquid that can be seen on x rays is injected into a vein. The substance travels into the kidneys and bladder, revealing possible obstructions.
Nuclear scans. These tests use radioactive materials that are usually injected into a vein to show how well the kidneys work, the shape of the kidneys, and whether urine empties from the kidneys in a normal way. Each kind of nuclear scan gives different information about the kidneys and bladder. Nuclear scans expose a child to about the same amount of radiation as a conventional x ray. At times, it can even be less.
Computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These tests provide 3-D images and cross-sections of the bladder and kidneys. With a typical CT scan or MRI machine, the child lies on a table that slides inside a tunnel where the images are taken. If the child's infection is complicated or difficult to see in other image tests, a CT scan or MRI can provide clearer, more detailed images to help the doctor understand the problem.
How can urinary tract infections be prevented?
If your child has a normal urinary tract, you can help him or her avoid UTIs by encouraging regular trips to the bathroom. Make sure your child gets enough to drink if infrequent voiding is a problem. Teach your child proper cleaning techniques after using the bathroom to keep
上兩個星期五, 我記得才跟嘉晨慶祝三歲生日,隔天晚上嘉晨就發燒病倒了.而且嘉晨還一直小便.我和嘉晨的爸就擔心嘉晨會不會得到尿道炎.
隔天早上,我便帶嘉晨看醫生.唉!真的給我和嘉晨的爸猜中了, 嘉晨真的得到尿道炎.我對尿道炎這個病還很新,所以便問了醫生幾個問題
醫: 你的孩子是不是幾天大一次便?
我: 是.
醫: 對了,你孩子幾天才大一次便,所以他的糞便都堆在肝門,細菌就從他的肝門糞便跑到尿道,尿道就受到感染而得到尿道炎.
我: 尿道炎這個病嚴重嗎? 會發燒?會有甚麼後遺症嗎?
什麼是尿道感染 ?
尿道炎的症狀包括 :一、疼痛,在膀胱的部位或是下背部發生疼痛。二、灼熱感,排尿時有灼熱感。三、尿感常常會有如刺的感覺。四、夜尿,晚上會起來小便。五、血尿。六、尿液混濁或是尿液有惡臭。嚴重的病人,發燒發冷常常會發生,同時並有嚴重的背痛,在肋骨下會有嚴重的疼痛。可是有些病人的尿道炎完全沒有症狀。如果有上老症狀走否表示有尿道炎?不,有以上的症狀不一定表示有尿道炎,其他原因例如吸煙、喝酒、喝咖啡或是膀胱發炎也會有以上的症狀,不一定是有細尿道炎菌跑到尿道造成尿道炎。
我如何知道自己有尿道炎 ?
我如何知道自己有尿道炎 ?
哪一些病人比較容易得到尿道炎呢 ?
哪一些病人比較容易得到尿道炎呢 ?
尿道炎大蓋分做兩種 : 一、膀胱炎。膀胱炎最常會發生,小便灼熱感或是小便有刺痛感。二、腎臟發炎以及腎孟腎炎,腎孟腎炎比較不常發生,但腎孟腎炎 發生時較為嚴重,此時會有高澆、背痛、惡心、嘔吐等症狀, 有時候被誤診為上呼吸道感染或是感冒,這時候必須請腎臟科 專科醫師治療,才可以有效的治療。尿道炎如何治療?尿道炎可以利用抗生素有效的治療,大部份的抗生素都可以治癒尿道炎,尿道炎的治療最重要的是避免慢性尿道炎的發土,為避免慢性尿道炎的發生,必須有效的把細菌清除,一般的治療過程需要兩星期至三個月不等,在這段期間你必須與你的醫生配合,以清除尿道的細菌,達到有效的完全治療。
當小孩有尿道炎的時候必須進一步的檢查,此外,婦女一年有兩次以上的尿道炎也需要進一步的檢查,男性有尿道發炎的情形也必須進一步的檢查。深層的尿道檢查包括 X光月以及超音波,以找尋尿道是否有異常。
下列病人會比較容易得到尿道感染 :一、女性。二、年紀大的老年人。三、糖尿病病人。四、有尿道結石或是攝護腺肥大的病人。五、病人需要使用等尿管。上述病人比較容易得到尿道發炎的機會,尤其是女性,女性因為尿道口比較短,較男性容易得到尿道炎,女性在停經後尿道炎的發生率會上升,因為婦女在停經後賀爾蒙的愛化,使得尿道口減少了保護的能力,較容易發生尿道炎,此外,懷孕的婦女也比較容易得到尿道炎。
為什麼婦女會容易重覆發生尿道炎 ?
很多婦女會重覆的發生尿道炎,最主要的原因是由於細菌在尿道中殘留,細菌會在尿道的上皮上一直殘留而重覆發生尿道炎,這時候必須耐心的給予三個月以上的治療,才能把尿道內的細菌得以完全清除。如何避免發生 尿道炎一、喝水。二、減少瞥尿。三、房事後進行沐浴。四、使用淋浴。
男性為何得到尿道炎 ? 男性得到尿道炎最常的原因是,攝護腺的肥大、攝護腺炎或是尿道有任何的阻塞,都會容易造成男性的尿道炎,所以男性發生尿道炎必須要進一步的檢查。
小孩如何得知有尿道炎? 家長必須注意小孩有下列的情形 :一、發燒二、注意力不集中三、小便有惡臭四、小便中有血或是水波、粘液有時侯小孩會發生下肢痛,這時候必須要進行尿道的檢查。
尿道炎是否可造成尿毒症? 尿道炎也可以造成尿毒症,不過非常罕見,只要有效的治療,尿道炎很少會進一步的傷害腎臟,造成尿毒症。
Urinary Tract Infections in Children
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) affect about 3 percent of children in the United States every year. Throughout childhood, the risk of a UTI is 2 percent for boys and 8 percent for girls. UTIs account for more than 1 million visits to pediatricians’ offices every year. The symptoms are not always obvious to parents, and younger children are usually unable to describe how they feel. Recognizing and treating urinary tract infections is important. Untreated UTIs can lead to serious kidney problems that could threaten the life of your child.
小孩如何得知有尿道炎? 家長必須注意小孩有下列的情形 :一、發燒二、注意力不集中三、小便有惡臭四、小便中有血或是水波、粘液有時侯小孩會發生下肢痛,這時候必須要進行尿道的檢查。
尿道炎是否可造成尿毒症? 尿道炎也可以造成尿毒症,不過非常罕見,只要有效的治療,尿道炎很少會進一步的傷害腎臟,造成尿毒症。
Urinary Tract Infections in Children
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) affect about 3 percent of children in the United States every year. Throughout childhood, the risk of a UTI is 2 percent for boys and 8 percent for girls. UTIs account for more than 1 million visits to pediatricians’ offices every year. The symptoms are not always obvious to parents, and younger children are usually unable to describe how they feel. Recognizing and treating urinary tract infections is important. Untreated UTIs can lead to serious kidney problems that could threaten the life of your child.
How does the urinary tract become infected?
Normal urine contains no bacteria (germs). Bacteria may, at times, get into the urinary tract and the urine from the skin around the rectum and genitals by traveling up the urethra into the bladder. When this happens, the bacteria can infect and inflame the bladder and cause swelling and pain in the lower abdomen and side. This bladder infection is called cystitis. If the bacteria travel up through the ureters to the kidneys, a kidney infection can develop. The infection is usually accompanied by pain and fever. Kidney infections are much more serious than bladder infections.
In some children a urinary tract infection may be a sign of an abnormal urinary tract that may be prone to repeated problems. (See What abnormalities lead to urinary problems?) For this reason, when a child has a urinary infection, additional tests are often recommended. (See What tests may be needed after the infection is gone?)
In other cases, children develop urinary tract infections because they are prone to such infections, just as other children are prone to getting coughs, colds, or ear infections. Or a child may happen to be infected by a type of bacteria with a special ability to cause urinary tract infections. Children who frequently delay a trip to the bathroom are more likely to develop UTIs. Regular urination helps keep the urinary tract sterile by flushing away bacteria. Holding in urine allows bacteria to grow. Keeping the sphincter muscle tight for a long time also makes it more difficult to relax that muscle when it is time to urinate. As a result, the child’s bladder may not empty completely. This dysfunctional voiding can set the stage for a urinary infection.
What are the signs of urinary tract infection?
A urinary tract infection causes irritation of the lining of the bladder, urethra, ureters, and kidneys, just like the inside of the nose or the throat becomes irritated with a cold. If your child is an infant or only a few years old, the signs of a urinary tract infection may not be clear, since children that young cannot tell you exactly how they feel. Your child may have a high fever, be irritable, or not eat.
On the other hand, sometimes a child may have only a low-grade fever, experience nausea and vomiting, or just not seem healthy. The diaper urine may have an unusual smell. If your child has a high temperature and appears sick for more than a day without signs of a runny nose or other obvious cause for discomfort, he or she may need to be checked for a bladder infection.
An older child with bladder irritation may complain of pain in the abdomen and pelvic area. Your child may urinate often. If the kidney is infected, your child may complain of pain under the side of the rib cage, called the flank, or low back pain. Crying or complaining that it hurts to urinate and producing only a few drops of urine at a time are other signs of urinary tract infection. Your child may have difficulty controlling the urine and may leak urine into clothing or bedsheets. The urine may smell unusual or look cloudy or red.
How do you find out whether your child has a urinary tract infection?
Only by consulting a health care provider can you find out for certain whether your child has a urinary tract infection. Some of your child's urine will be collected and examined. The way urine is collected depends on your child’s age. If the child is not yet toilet trained, the health care provider may place a plastic collection bag over your child's genital area. It will be sealed to the skin with an adhesive strip. An older child may be asked to urinate into a container. The sample needs to come as directly into the container as possible to avoid picking up bacteria from the skin or rectal area. A doctor or nurse may need to pass a small tube into the urethra. Urine will drain directly from the bladder into a clean container through this tube, called a catheter. Sometimes the best way to get the urine is by placing a needle directly into the bladder through the skin of the lower abdomen. Getting urine through the tube or needle will ensure that the urine collected is pure. Some of the urine will be examined under a microscope. If an infection is present, bacteria and sometimes pus will be found in the urine. If the bacteria from the sample are hard to see, the health care provider may place the sample in a tube or dish with a substance that encourages any bacteria present to grow. Once the germs have multiplied, they can then be identified and tested to see which medications will provide the most effective treatment. The process of growing bacteria in the laboratory is known as performing a culture and often takes a day or more to complete.The reliability of the culture depends on how long the urine stands before the culture is started. If you collect your child's urine at home, refrigerate it as soon as it is collected and carry the container to the health care provider or lab in a plastic bag filled with ice.
How are urinary tract infections treated?
Urinary tract infections are treated with bacteria-fighting drugs called antibiotics. While a urine sample is being examined, the health care provider may begin treatment with a drug that treats the bacteria most likely to be causing the infection. Once culture results are known, the health care provider may decide to switch your child to another antibiotic.
The way the antibiotic is given and the number of days that it must be taken depend in part on the type of infection and how severe it is. When a child is sick or not able to drink fluids, the antibiotic may need to be put directly into the bloodstream through a vein in the arm or hand. Otherwise, the medicine (liquid or pills) may be given by mouth or by shots. The medicine is given for at least 3 to 5 days and possibly for as long as several weeks. The daily treatment schedule recommended depends on the specific drug prescribed: The schedule may call for a single dose each day or up to four doses each day. In some cases, your child will need to take the medicine until further tests are finished.
After a few doses of the antibiotic, your child may appear much better, but often several days may pass before all symptoms are gone. In any case, your child should take the medicine for as long as the doctor recommends. Do not stop medications because the symptoms have gone away. Infections may return, and germs can resist future treatment if the drug is stopped too soon.
Children should drink fluids when they wish. Make sure your child drinks what he or she needs, but do not force your child to drink large amounts of fluid. The health care provider needs to know if the child is not interested in drinking.
What tests may be needed after the infection is gone?
Once the infection has cleared, additional tests may be recommended to check for abnormalities in the urinary tract. Repeated infections in abnormal urinary tracts may cause kidney damage. The kinds of tests ordered will depend on your child and the type of urinary infection. Because no single test can tell everything about the urinary tract that might be important, more than one of the following tests may be needed:
Kidney and bladder ultrasound. An ultrasound test examines the kidney and bladder using sound waves. This test shows shadows of the kidney and bladder that may point out certain abnormalities. However, this test cannot reveal all important urinary abnormalities. It also cannot measure how well a kidney works.
Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG). This test examines the urethra and bladder while the bladder fills and empties. A liquid that can be seen on x rays is placed into the bladder through a catheter. The bladder is filled until the child urinates. This test can reveal abnormalities of the inside of the urethra and bladder. The test can also determine whether the flow of urine is normal when the bladder empties.
Intravenous pyelogram. This test examines the whole urinary tract. A liquid that can be seen on x rays is injected into a vein. The substance travels into the kidneys and bladder, revealing possible obstructions.
Nuclear scans. These tests use radioactive materials that are usually injected into a vein to show how well the kidneys work, the shape of the kidneys, and whether urine empties from the kidneys in a normal way. Each kind of nuclear scan gives different information about the kidneys and bladder. Nuclear scans expose a child to about the same amount of radiation as a conventional x ray. At times, it can even be less.
Computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These tests provide 3-D images and cross-sections of the bladder and kidneys. With a typical CT scan or MRI machine, the child lies on a table that slides inside a tunnel where the images are taken. If the child's infection is complicated or difficult to see in other image tests, a CT scan or MRI can provide clearer, more detailed images to help the doctor understand the problem.
How can urinary tract infections be prevented?
If your child has a normal urinary tract, you can help him or her avoid UTIs by encouraging regular trips to the bathroom. Make sure your child gets enough to drink if infrequent voiding is a problem. Teach your child proper cleaning techniques after using the bathroom to keep
Friday, May 04, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
剛剛才發了一篇關於5月一日衛塞節的文章,我就在5XMum 的blog讀到這篇令我在辦公室流淚的文章.想不到在這個普天同慶的日子里會是5XMum的第四ㄦ子祭日.看著一個母親如何失去至親的孩子,如何勇敢地接受,面對到站起來. 真是不簡單.
大家一定很奇怪我既然有空到在辦公室讀blog讀到哭,真是太過份了.其實,我正在transition period. Hire manager 已經答應要我了可我的Current Senior Manager 還沒給我答覆.他現在不在辦公室,他的IM又 offline. 唉!而我的Current Manager 自從知道我要換部門後就再也沒有正眼看我了. 你就真的那麼現實. 好, 我就另尋柏樂來欣賞我這匹千里馬,所以我現在是無業游民,正拿著拍子拍蒼蠅. 叫我不看blog, 時間怎麼過.
大家一定很奇怪我既然有空到在辦公室讀blog讀到哭,真是太過份了.其實,我正在transition period. Hire manager 已經答應要我了可我的Current Senior Manager 還沒給我答覆.他現在不在辦公室,他的IM又 offline. 唉!而我的Current Manager 自從知道我要換部門後就再也沒有正眼看我了. 你就真的那麼現實. 好, 我就另尋柏樂來欣賞我這匹千里馬,所以我現在是無業游民,正拿著拍子拍蒼蠅. 叫我不看blog, 時間怎麼過.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
我的朋友im 我
朋友: Got job offer u, 96K per year, want ?
我: ooo.. are u serious ?
朋友: Yes but contract basic
我:ai yah… don’t want lah. After contract due, where I go ?
朋友: This is 2 years contract, after 2 years, I absord u.
我: Are u kidding ? Do u want me jump from MNC to small company ? Are u sure am I doing the right thing ?
朋友: Why not ?
我: I need go back and think about it.
朋友: Go back and put high high pillow, think about it.
朋友: Got job offer u, 96K per year, want ?
我: ooo.. are u serious ?
朋友: Yes but contract basic
我:ai yah… don’t want lah. After contract due, where I go ?
朋友: This is 2 years contract, after 2 years, I absord u.
我: Are u kidding ? Do u want me jump from MNC to small company ? Are u sure am I doing the right thing ?
朋友: Why not ?
我: I need go back and think about it.
朋友: Go back and put high high pillow, think about it.
- 這份工要跑production line , 可以跑來跑去,不用整天坐在辦公室.
- 這個skill很有market value
- 我以前的同事都會做這份工,他們都已經在外自組公司了,可算是小CEO,可卻跑去做這份contract 工. 跟他們一起做工都有了一定的默契,溝通也有一定的共識. 我在這間新公司很難找到能溝通的人,更不用說甚麼共識和默契.
我:if I am 28 years old now then I will join u.
朋友: Are u sure ? then I respect ur decision.
Monday, April 16, 2007
會撒嬌的老婆最幸福 ~~很棒要看完
我覺得寫得很好,也很正確! 因為有你 世界會更美麗
男人年輕時,選老婆或選女友,第一都是看身材和臉蛋,人品性格和脾氣通通不管;到了中年時,才會發現:原來,女人的美,不在外表,而在具有包容心和好脾氣的個性,尤其是會撒嬌的女人,一旦撒嬌撒到男人的〔死穴〕,也就是打中了男人心坎裡的弱點, 這時,就算她要男人去死,男人也會帶著微笑和滿足的表情從容就義。 全天下的女人們沒想太多,男人其實是很好搞定的。 男人要的只是一種類似母愛的包容和關懷,一種無怨無悔、夫唱婦隨的契合感覺,我並非把女人當跟班或第二性,也不是歧視女性,真的,男人要的就只是那種即使自己 再落魄再倒霉,她也不棄不離的那種生死相隨的感動。 聽說,很多人到KTV唱了鄭進一寫的〔家後〕,不管是男是女,都會嚎啕痛哭 而無法唱完,因為,歌詞中的老婆〔怪東怪西也不會..穿好穿醜不計較...寧可讓他先死...自己才來承受失去愛人的錐心之痛..〕, 打中了每個男人心中的〔死穴〕,也挖出了每個女人對至愛〔無私奉獻〕的真情告白。 啊!多麼美的意境! 對於男人來說,一生可以擁有這樣的〔家後〕,真是死而無憾! 話說回來,〔家後〕中生死相隨的老婆,大概在三或四年級身上比較可能看到; 現在的年輕女孩子,個個都立志要當〔家前〕,說話要比男人大聲,吃穿住用什麼都要嫌,有的甚至會打男人。此外,現在的女孩子,凡事只考慮到自己,自己要快活要享受,家事不做,孩不不管,老公的壓力也視若無睹, 似乎是:老公賺錢給我花是應該,老公身體累壞是他自己活該! 大家想想,如果你是男人去遇到這種〔家前〕,你能不像我猛跪下來向老天大喊: 〔神啊!請給我一個會撒嬌的老婆 !〕嗎? 男人在年輕時都是無知的畜牲,到了中年才會進化成人類。 也唯有男人體內的荷爾蒙分泌量減少了,才能真正分辨出女人的美麗在哪裡。 老實說,我也曾是無知的畜牲,不過,這種現象也不只是我, 許多碩士、博士、醫生,甚至是政商名流,也都是年過半百才發現每個男人都一樣,而且也都才發現: 會撒嬌的女人,是最美的。 我要講一個〔買醬油的故事〕來證明這件事。 我有一位朋友,長得又帥家世又好,年輕時把到了一位富家千金,長得像明星般美麗,又有氣質。 幾年後,他們結婚了,也生了兩個小孩, 但在結婚十年後,這位家世極好的帥哥,不顧雙方家族的反對,硬是要和富家千金離婚; 隔了半年,帥哥又找了一位女孩結婚,但這個婚姻讓大家跌破眼鏡,因為,這位帥哥娶的竟然是一位餐廳裡的女服務生,她家世平凡,父親是小小的公務員,她長得沒有明星架勢,更沒有明星般的漂亮,很平凡的外表,卻深深抓住帥哥的心。 有一次,我也很好奇,偷偷問帥哥,為什麼這麼迷戀平凡的女服務生。他說了一個買醬油的故事,他說,他這十年來受夠了那位明星氣質女的折磨和凌辱, 之前不離是為了孩子著想,但忍了十年實在忍無可忍,因為,這位美女從來不把人當人看,吃得要講究,穿要穿名牌,生活上每件事都要符合她的完美要求,只要有一點點瑕疵或不完美,她就破口大罵,連人家祖宗八代都要問候。 即使他是她老公也是如此,一點小事沒做好,就好像世界末日來臨一樣,整個家被她搞得驚天動地,每個人最後都成了她的下人。偶爾,他工作壓力很大,想尋求她的安慰,向她吐吐苦水,她卻譏諷他沒有出息,笑他為何不去找個沒有壓力又賺很多錢的事業? 偶爾,他想找她去散心或溫存一下,她光是出門就要搞三到四小時,要選衣服和鞋子,而且還要前一天向她預約,否則她會挑不出鞋子和可以搭配的衣服。 累了半天,終於可以出門了,他想和她親密一下,她卻嫌人多、他的手髒或是怕SARS可能還會爆發,搞到最後一點情調都沒有,好像變成一個奴僕在聽女主人的訓話和教誨。 XXX!這些鳥事他都忍了。 最後,真正讓他爆發不滿的,是一瓶醬油。有一天,貴婦忽然心血來潮,想要做湖南菜,傍晚時打電話到辦公室給他,叫他下班時順便到某某超市去買AA牌的醬油,他不敢不從。 然而,他開了一天的會,人也確實很累了,塞了快一小時的車,勉強在超市找到車位,就為了一瓶醬油去和人家大排長龍結帳。 接著,全身疲累地回到家,把醬油交給老婆,正想趴在沙發上休息一下,老婆卻在廚房尖叫,然後拿了一把菜刀衝了出來,另一隻手拿著那瓶醬油大罵 : 「你這個豬頭!馬上給我回去換掉...我說要AA牌的,你卻買成BB 牌的,為什麼我說的話你都沒在聽...你根本不尊重我!」 就這樣,為了一瓶醬油,她罵了半個小時,甚至牽托到雙方家世的問題,還說到他心裡有自卑感,才會用這種小動作來作弄她...。 這時,又累又煩的他,氣若游絲地想說: 「老婆...不過是一瓶醬油,晚餐將就用了..幹嘛大費周章?」 但老婆卻拿起菜刀,逼他去換回AA牌。 看著老婆那張臉,像有不共戴天之仇般地猙獰著,忽然間他看開了,他站起來揮手打掉她手上的菜刀,然後,生平第一次甩了她耳光(以前因為她是富家千金,連罵都捨不得罵,更何況是打),然後淡淡地說: 「要買你自己去買!明天我們就離婚吧!」 當然了!一向是高高在上的貴婦,怎麼可能被人「開除」,她到雙方父母家裡大哭大鬧,又說要帶孩子自殺,但帥哥理也不理。後來,貴婦眼看再鬧下去,自己的面子也丟大了,就趁機敲了帥哥一大筆贍養費就離婚了。 帥哥離婚後,為了付贍養費,沒有了豪宅,沒有了存款,也沒有了名車。但他覺得自己重生了,感受到前所未有的自由和暢快,坐了十年的牢, 終於他逃出了那個女魔頭的手掌心。 他開始坐公車去上班,吃路邊攤,租個公寓自己住。 有一天和同事去一家小餐廳吃飯,不小心打翻湯,桌面和衣服都濕了, 一位女服務生也不怕髒主動來幫他清理,還一直安慰他沒有關係, 他告訴我,他當時有一股衝動,想倒在那位女服務生懷裡痛哭一場。 這位女服務生,就是他現在的〔家後〕 。 同樣的,某天下班前,他接到老婆電話,同樣是要他回家前順便去買醬油。 帥哥同樣累到不行,本來想說隨便到外面吃就算了, 但老婆在電話中拼命撒嬌,說什麼特地燉肉要為他補身子,他聽了再累也去買。 這時,他想到了前妻的AA牌醬油,到了便利商店,他故意又買BB牌醬油。回到家,老婆滿臉笑容迎接他,然後拿了醬油作菜。帥哥好奇地走到廚房,問她應該是AA牌的比較香吧! 老婆撒嬌地說,什麼牌都沒關係,老公買回來的〔老公牌〕最香。 就這樣,帥哥一輩子疼死了會撒嬌的老婆,他告訴我,在他眼中, 他這位會撒嬌的老婆是最美的,沒有任何女人可以取代她。 人生是苦,男人為了生活,為了事業,已經夠苦了, 如果真要找個人生伴侶,何苦再去找一位女主人,把自己蹧蹋得更苦,像活在 〔無間地獄〕。
二十一世紀,男女間最流行的,似乎是〔離婚〕這件事。對於婚姻和男女 之間,我的看法是: 「結婚像穿衣服,有人喜歡穿得華麗但不舒服,甚至痛苦,但我寧可選擇一件不是名牌也不是高檔的T-SHIRT,簡簡單單、寬鬆自在。」 結婚沒有對錯,離婚更沒有對錯。 每個人性格不同,需求也不同。 有人就是要完美嚴謹的配偶,有人就是要有點迷糊,凡事不計較的伴侶,大家各取所需,沒有什麼絕對標準,也不能說龜毛的貴婦就是不好,而是看每個人自己想要的〔另一半〕,是什麼樣的。並不是要達到了怎樣的目的,愛才成為愛。 無論怎樣的愛都是一份美好,一份結果或者一份生命的過程。 而刻在心底的愛,因為無私無慾, 因為淡泊憂傷,才會是真正的永恆。
Thursday, April 12, 2007
手足口症 二
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
對了,嘉晨真的那麼好彩得到手足口症.上個星期五我還打算要怎樣渡過我的三天假期.那里知道我一回到家就發現嘉晨不要吃東西,又一直用手摸他的舌頭. 我便拿手電筒照他的嘴巴就發現他的舌頭爛2 個洞. 我心想不會是手足口症吧!後來我又發現嘉晨發燒37.8, 我便趕快餵他喝發燒藥水.半個鐘後, 嘉晨的體溫又升到38.2. 我只好跟他抹身. 抹五分鐘休息15分鐘,嘉晨的體溫才停留在38.過了一個鐘,37.8. 晚上,嘉晨的燒就退了.
隔天,我還是帶嘉晨看醫生.醫生發現嘉晨的口腔全是紅點和白點, 手和腳也生了紅點.我和嘉晨爸的心已經掉到谷底了.這全是手足口症的症狀.醫生說一定是手足口症了.他叫我們不要擔心, 雖然手足口症可以帶走人命,但大多數都會好的.
醫生說手足口症是沒有藥可以治療,要看病者本身的抵抗力, 手足口症需要7天才能完全康復.他也教我們要怎樣照顧嘉晨和應該注意的事項,如發現嘉晨有甚麼不對就要馬上看醫生.
醫生越說越恐怖而我也越聽越怕. 我對自己說我一定要打緊十二份精神來對抗手足口症.
隔天,我還是帶嘉晨看醫生.醫生發現嘉晨的口腔全是紅點和白點, 手和腳也生了紅點.我和嘉晨爸的心已經掉到谷底了.這全是手足口症的症狀.醫生說一定是手足口症了.他叫我們不要擔心, 雖然手足口症可以帶走人命,但大多數都會好的.
醫生說手足口症是沒有藥可以治療,要看病者本身的抵抗力, 手足口症需要7天才能完全康復.他也教我們要怎樣照顧嘉晨和應該注意的事項,如發現嘉晨有甚麼不對就要馬上看醫生.
醫生越說越恐怖而我也越聽越怕. 我對自己說我一定要打緊十二份精神來對抗手足口症.
4.患兒發生合併症的確切因素,目前仍不清楚。不過,若幼童年齡小者,尤其是三歲以下,出現疹子五天內 出現以下任一症狀時,應急速就醫 :
· 活動力減低
· 嗜睡
· 劇烈嘔吐
· 呼吸困難
· 抽搐
· 肢體無力
4.患兒發生合併症的確切因素,目前仍不清楚。不過,若幼童年齡小者,尤其是三歲以下,出現疹子五天內 出現以下任一症狀時,應急速就醫 :
· 活動力減低
· 嗜睡
· 劇烈嘔吐
· 呼吸困難
· 抽搐
· 肢體無力
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
一路來我都有買拼圖給嘉晨玩,可嘉晨都不喜歡玩,所以我有點想放棄拼圖這個很好的智力遊戲.直到有一天,我讀了Shopping Mum的blog, 我才發覺我買給嘉晨的拼圖太複雜了所以嘉晨才沒有耐心玩.我便到大眾買了2到3片的拼圖給嘉晨.沒想到嘉晨真的靜靜地坐下完成他的拼圖.嘉晨也慢慢喜歡上拼圖了.
Monday, March 12, 2007
想不到嘉晨才兩歲就有朋友請他去生日Party.這個生日Party是嘉晨朋友的弟弟滿周歲生日Party. 我就幫嘉晨買了禮物然後帶他出席小朋友的生日Party. 生日Party在小朋友餐廳Melody舉行
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